VBS 2016
Day Five: God Sends Me! God changed Paul's name and his life, and sent him to tell the world about Jesus. God still sends us to share his love and his story.
Day Four: God Loves Me! Today we learned the central story of the Gospel. God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we can be with him forever.
Day Three: God Strengthens Me! Today we learned how Jesus helped Peter to walk on water. When we need help, he can strengthen us too.
Day Two: God Hears Me! We learned that when Jonah prayed to God, even in the belly of the whale, and even though Jonah had fled from God, God still heard him.
No matter where we are or what we do, God hears us!
Day One: God Knows Me!
We learned that God knew Noah's heart. God knows each of us, too!
Day Four: God Loves Me! Today we learned the central story of the Gospel. God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we can be with him forever.
Day Three: God Strengthens Me! Today we learned how Jesus helped Peter to walk on water. When we need help, he can strengthen us too.
Day Two: God Hears Me! We learned that when Jonah prayed to God, even in the belly of the whale, and even though Jonah had fled from God, God still heard him.
No matter where we are or what we do, God hears us!
Day One: God Knows Me!
We learned that God knew Noah's heart. God knows each of us, too!
Pictures from previous years
VBS 2015 - G-Force
VBS 2014 - Weird Animals
VBS 2013 - Kingdom Rock
VBS 2012 - Bug Zone
VBS 2015 - G-Force
VBS 2014 - Weird Animals
VBS 2013 - Kingdom Rock
VBS 2012 - Bug Zone